Nerve Damage

The nervous system is involved in everything the body does. Damage to this system can be completely life-changing and utterly debilitating. There are three types of nerves, or neurons, in the body: autonomic nerves, sensory nerves, and motor nerves. Autonomic nerves control the involuntary activities of the body such as breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure. The sensory nerves send signals from the skin and muscles to the spinal cord and the brain. The motor nerves send messages from the brain, through the spinal cord, and into the muscles. Clearly, damage to any of these essential systems could result in severe pain, inability to work, and other life-changing effects. Individuals who have suffered nerve damage benefit from attorneys who are experienced in handling the complex issues that arise in these complicated cases.

If you or a family member has suffered severe nerve damage, please call us or contact us online to schedule a free consultation. You will speak directly with an attorney at no cost. If you choose to retain our services, we will not charge you a fee unless we obtain a settlement or verdict on your behalf.

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