The Plaintiff magazine article “The Bomb in Your Backyard,” written by Trial Team Leader Anthony Label and Oliver Vallejo of The Vallejo Law Office, discusses the ongoing issues surrounding exploding pool filters, from causing serious injuries such as brain damage and even death, to the inexpensive fixes ignored by industry manufacturers.
Pioneered by Attorney Kevin Lancaster over a decade ago, the ongoing pool filter cases have brought to light that manufacturers have been aware of the dangers of filter systems since as early as the 1970’s, when the United States Consumer Products Safety Commission published an article on the problems of exploding filter tanks. “Nevertheless, dangerous pool filters continue to be manufactured and sold today without the protections that are readily available,” writes Label.
Label advises manufacturers to remedy the problem by easily equipping a filter system with different types of fasteners to hold the top and bottom together to ensure the lid will not blow off under pressure. “Lugs and nuts would eliminate the risk of serious injury. When a lug or nut fails, the remaining lugs and nuts hold the lid and bottom together. At worst, a failure of one nut would cause water to leak from the filter,” adds Label.