Elinor Leary Selected by Consumer Attorneys of America as Recipient of the 2018 Presidential Award of Merit

Trial Team Leader Elinor Leary was selected by Consumer Attorneys of America (CAOC) as the recipient of the 2018 Presidential Award of Merit. CAOC will honor her at the annual convention on November 15, 2018 at the Palace Hotel in San Francisco.

Elinor handles complex cases involving worksite injuries, defense products, dangerous property conditions, negligent security, car and truck collisions, and incidents that involve pedestrians and bicyclists. Through her ongoing work, she remains committed to helping her clients deal with the physical and mental challenges that often accompany these cases.

Her legal involvement extends beyond the courtroom. Elinor also teaches advanced law classes at the University of San Francisco and devotes significant time to pro bono services within the community each year.

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