Personal Injury Cases Involving Food Safety

Although food is something that affects us all, some parts of the industry seem surprisingly careless about maintaining food safety. From restaurants that carelessly poison their diners to manufacturers and suppliers that sell fake food to save money, there are countless practices that place consumers and others in harm’s way.

At The Veen Firm, we strive to protect those who depend on the safety of the products they consume. Call our San Francisco office at 888-504-0157 to discuss your case anywhere in California.

What Is Food Safety?

Different foodstuffs, medicines and drugs have the potential to impact humans in various ways. For instance, vegetables that come into contact with certain fertilizers, like manure, may become home to E. coli bacteria that induce serious food poisoning. Drugs that aren’t manufactured according to appropriate quality control standards could exacerbate patients’ medical problems. Although these incidents aren’t necessarily intentional, those who cause them through their negligence must be held responsible for the medical costs and other hardships that victims have to live with.

Food safety practices and standards are designed to avoid negative outcomes. By ensuring that manufacturers, suppliers and vendors follow appropriate procedures when creating, storing, handling, transporting and processing consumable products and ingredients, food safety makes everyday life far less risky for consumers. Appropriate practices can also reduce the dangers faced by workers such as farm hands, cooks and others who might be at risk of occupational exposure.

How Does The Law Work?

Unfortunately, drug and food safety laws are far from perfect. For instance, even though agencies like the FDA require that drug manufacturers and pharmacists adhere to strict standards, accidents can occur along the way. By the time many product recalls are issued, thousands of consumers have already been exposed to the hazards in question.

Regulatory agencies are also severely overwhelmed. Their lack of manpower and need to go through bureaucratic hoops often prevents them from making effective changes to protect consumers and workers. Manufacturers may also seek to avoid or lobby against rigorous restrictions because passing inspections and complying with guidelines can reduce their profits. Many victims of food-related personal injuries ultimately have to rely on pursuing legal recourse after the fact.

We Have Extensive Experience Representing People Like You

The Veen Firm, has represented personal injury victims since 1975. With diverse knowledge of domains like product safety, regulatory compliance and professional liability, the firm’s strong team of lawyers has the skill and record of results you deserve.

To learn more about how our attorneys can advocate on your behalf, schedule your free consultation now by calling 888-504-0157. You can also reach us online.

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