Defective Products

Thousands of people are seriously injured or killed every year as a result of dangerous or defective products. When a company allows a defective product to be used by a trusting consumer, the company may be liable for injuries caused by the product. Additionally, those involved in the testing, marketing or distribution of the product may also bear liability.

However, defective and unsafe products cases can be complex and costly to litigate. The law regarding product liability is complicated, and often requires expert testimony to inform the jury about the product defect.

If you have suffered catastrophic injuries due to defective or unsafe products, you deserve the best care and representation available. Let our lawyers help. At The Veen Firm, our attorneys have the expertise required to handle any type of product liability lawsuit for you. We also have a vast network of experts to utilize when preparing a case for settlement or trial.

Hiring an attorney who is intimately familiar with the specific and highly technical details of a defective product case is essential if you want to maximize your results. The Veen Firm has been helping victims like you obtain justice for their injuries since 1975.

Located in San Francisco, we handle cases throughout California. To schedule an initial consultation for your case, contact us online or call our office at 888-504-0157.

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