Wrongful Death

Wrongful death claim can be brought when victim not wage earner

The untimely death of a loved one is often considered a tragedy. Along with the grief and emotional turmoil the family is experiencing comes the questions of what happened and why. The California family is often left to struggle with what has happened. Depending upon…

Recovering damages in a wrongful death claim for emotional trauma

Losing a loved one is traumatic, but it can be especially difficult for California family if the death was the result of another person’s negligence or reckless actions. Wrongful death claims cannot reverse what happened to your family member, but it may be an…

Nursing home chain faces third wrongful death claim

Nursing homes and similar facilities carry a high level of responsibility. Families entrust such homes with their loved ones, usually when those loved ones are in a vulnerable state. When a California nursing home is accused of the wrongful death of a resident, it is…

Wrongful death award of $2 million upheld by appeals court

The loss of a loved one as the result of an accident is a tragedy. When this loss involves a drunk driver, it may seem even more devastating. The drunk driver could face a multitude of penalties and perhaps even spend time in a California prison. However, these…

Wrongful death claim filed against Young Jeezy

The fact that one individual causes another to lose his or her life is not always considered a criminal act. Sometimes, the death is the result of an accident. Other times, it is the result of a negligent or reckless act that ended in the wrongful death of a…

Welfare check ends in wrongful death claim

There are generally two sides to every story. The simple question though is which side contains the actual facts. One such case involves a wrongful death lawsuit that has recently been filed. Often, the facts regarding exactly what happened must be determined within…

Negligence can result in wrongful death

The day starts out like almost any other ordinary day in California. One enjoys a cup of coffee, gets ready for the day and begins with the day’s activities. Yet, this is not an ordinary day. This is the day when one unsuspecting family gains first-hand knowledge…

Wrongful death suit settled for $600,000

Generally, when a California resident is not feeling well or notices an abnormality on the body, he or she will seek medical attention. Sometimes the individual will visit a doctor’s office; other times the individual will deem the situation more serious and will…

Female cyclist killed by drunk driver in California hit and run

The female cyclist struck in a hit-and-run bicycle crash in California has died. She was hit by an SUV while riding along the side of the road on the night of Jan. 16. The allegedly drunk driver who struck her now faces three felonies for his blood alcohol level and…

Settlement for $1 million reached in wrongful death claim

Protecting the border is a difficult job. Almost daily, U.S. Customs and Border Patrol personnel come into contact with individuals attempting to illegally enter the United States. Regardless of the situation, these officers are required to use restraint and proper…

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