Former negligent driver speaks to California students about risks

A woman who has finished serving her sentence for an accident that killed a pedestrian recently spoke to students in California about the dangers of texting and driving. The now ex-convict acknowledged that she was a negligent driver and says her fatal error never ceases to haunt her. The woman lamented that her life will never be the same, all because she looked away from the road to read a text message from her boyfriend while driving.

Students also watched a video presentation. The film recounted the details of another fatal collision caused by distracted driving. A successful athlete was killed. Another person is now unable to walk. Two others suffered injuries from which they would recover, but none of their lives will ever be the same.

One student told her classmates that many people today, especially teenagers, have convinced themselves they can’t be away from their cell phones for any reason. She said it is up to young adults everywhere to choose to put down their phones and drive safely to save lives. She has founded a No Text & Drive Club to raise awareness to the dangers of distracted driving and encourage students to make better choices.

Many times, when someone is killed or injured in a California car accident caused by a negligent driver, the accident itself is only the beginning of the suffering. Medical bills that quickly pile up, funeral expenses and other associated costs may intensify the devastation of a situation. No recovering victim or family who has lost a loved one should be made to bear the financial impact of a collision caused by an unsafe driver. This is why the law allows a personal injury claim to be filed against any and all parties deemed responsible for such accidents.

Source:, “Downey No Text & Drive Club shares OMG message”, Nan Austin, Oct. 3, 2016

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