Police car accident results in wrongful death lawsuit

When police respond to urgent calls and need to travel with speed, care is generally taken to ensure the safety of other motorists and pedestrians in their paths. In some cases, however, officers may injure others in their haste to get to the scene of a crime. In a recent California case, a car accident caused by a police vehicle driven by an officer resulted in the death of one man and injuries to several others.

The accident occurred at a local Los Angeles intersection at around 11:05 p.m. Two police officers were in a patrol car and were rushing to respond to a felony spousal assault call. The lawsuit alleges the patrol car lost control as it tried to pass a vehicle on the road. The lawsuit further claims that the patrol car then ran over the curb and onto the sidewalk.

The car hit two pedestrians: a 27-year-old motel clerk and a 40-year-old cardiologist. The 27-year-old man was taken to a local hospital but tragically passed away from injuries received in the wreck. A wrongful death lawsuit was brought by the mother of the man against the police officer driving the car, claiming that he was driving negligently.

Those in California facing a similar car accident involving an officer of the law or other driver could benefit from seeking the counsel of an experienced attorney. There are many expenses that can manifest as a result of a fatal car wreck, such as medical bills, lost wages and funeral expenses. An attorney experienced in wrongful death litigation could be able to evaluate a client’s case and discuss the various legal options available.

Source: wehoville.com, “Mother of Young Man Killed in WeHo Sheriff’s Deputy Crash Files a Lawsuit“, Sept. 6, 2016

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