Craig Peters Inducted into the International Academy of Trial Lawyers (IATL)

Craig M. Peters, Esq. of The Veen Firm in San Francisco, CA was recently inducted as a Fellow into the International Academy of Trial Lawyers (IATL) at their Mid-Year Meeting held July 27-31, 2016 at Montage Deer Valley in Park City, Utah.

The International Academy of Trial Lawyers limits membership to 500 Fellows from the United States. The Academy seeks out, identifies, acknowledges and honors those who have achieved a career of excellence through demonstrated skill and ability in jury trials and appellate practice. Fellows of the Academy are engaged in civil practice on both plaintiff and defense side, as well as in the trial of criminal cases. The Academy invites only lawyers who have attained the highest level of advocacy. An extensive and thorough nomination and screening process identifies the most distinguished members of the trial bar by means of both peer and judicial review. The standards for admission are high based on the exclusive nature of the limited membership. Mr. Peters has been evaluated by his colleagues and the judges in the many jurisdictions in which he has handled cases and has been highly recommended by them as possessing outstanding skill and extensive experience as a trial lawyer.

Chartered in 1954, the Academy’s purposes are to promote the rule of law, promote reforms in the law, facilitate the administration of justice, and elevate the standards of integrity, honor and courtesy in the legal profession at home and internationally.

Mr. Peters is a trial attorney specializing in the representation of people on a wide variety of cases, including catastrophic personal injury, wrongful death and product liability matters. Mr. Peters’ track record reflects a career dedicated to protecting individuals who have been disenfranchised or harmed, against those with great economic and political power.

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